Busy Day
After a phone call with our Vermont realtor to get the morning started, Joerg went to his "day job" and I took off for Absarokee and Billings. I took some pictures of the house, asked a couple of questions of my builder, and then double-checked the number of interior doors and which way they swing. In Billings, I gave my little GPS a workout (I think it overheated from all the driving around so I had to switch to my phone for a while) as I drove from one end of town to the other placing orders, confirming colors, and gathering information. It was a busy day, but I can work with busy when things are getting done. Here are the latest pictures from the construction site. The front patio cement has been poured. The builder and his crew were up on the roof attaching the peak trusses. I just took some weird angle images to play with the sunlight. It was a gorgeous day. The imprinted cement is subtle but looks so much better than plain poured cement. The back patio ceme...