Going into the second grade, Patrick has developed many new interests. He continues to love all things creepy, crawly, slithery, slimy, and jumpy, and he likes things that fly, buzz, hum, chirp, swoop, swing, and swim. His movie interests have graduated from solely animated (think Disney/Pixar's Nemo) to more life-like movies like Homeward Bound and Dr. Doolittle. Slapstick comedy seems to tickle him more than anything. His infectious giggles and laughs seem to be back...sounds we haven't heard that much since he started first grade. It seems that the summer break has been helpful in bringing the "old" Patrick back. He has also rediscovered his computer. Perhaps this is partly because Katherine has discovered it (you know, they always want what the other one has), but he really seems to enjoy it. Now that he has a better understanding of how to spell words he can go online and look up "bald eegl" and "cobru snake" pictures for his home-made b...