No Pain, No Gain
I spent about six hours in the garden on Tuesday and another six hours today. I used yesterday as a do-something-productive-that-requires-sitting day. I really like being able to see some progress in getting the garden cleaned up for the summer. The weeds, having free run of the place since spring, were...out of control. Some of them were taller than me. :( Now the weeds (the ones I haven't pulled yet) are tiny by comparison, but I'll get those, too - just not this week. I also got to reap the rewards of work done last year. Around my compost bin, the weeds can get unruly, especially when I'm not available to tackle them early in the season when they start to emerge. This year, I wasn't able to get in the garden until now (school year ending, Katherine graduating, and then a family vacation) so many of the weeds were...picture Little Shop of Horrors (a musical where the carnivorous plant tries to eat the humans). It was pretty bad....