
Showing posts from May 23, 2016

The Garden Grows

With all the activities that come with the month of May (concerts, recitals, class trips, and extra school activities that require additional personnel) on top of the usual collection of life's responsibilities (house work, managing the rentals, teaching, cooking, shopping,...oh, this list just tires me out seeing it written out like this), my garden has had to grow despite my neglect. However, this weekend I was finally able to get out there and give it some attention. Before   After Before   After Before After After  I even got the patio furniture washed and ready for the season.  They're clean and sparkly, like new. I love to watch the garden grow, especially in the spring after a long season of colorless winter.  (Okay, so the mums are not in season, but they were so vibrant I just couldn't resist the color.)   Happy Spring