
Showing posts from August 28, 2009

Time Passes Quickly

This summer seems to have just blasted passed us. Since returning from our July travels we have done a great many things, but it is still hard to believe that August is almost over. I have added a few more pictures to the website; some of Patrick's Zinnias in the garden, and pictures of my new studio. Check them out . Today we had a fantastic day. The weather was great - too cool for going to the pool for its last day of season, but perfect for having windows open and playing outside - and we did some fun stuff (after we ran some errands). The kids played on the tractor for a little while and then went on to act out stories that they made up...something that they started doing earlier this summer. As soon as I got the groceries put away I invited them to go to Lake Iroquois for a little fishing/swimming that's where we spent the last part of the afternoon. Here are Patrick and Katherine touring the River Cove Road grounds on the tractor. What a fun afternoon.