When You're a Hammer
According to Maslow's Hammer, or the law of the instrument, it is common to rely on one tool for most routine jobs. We have twisted this "law" into a saying that is commonly used; "If you're a hammer, everything is a nail.". Have you ever bought a new car and then notice that everyone seems to be driving the same car? Well, it turns out that when your son becomes a commercial pilot, you start seeing airplanes everywhere. On my way back to Livingston, after visiting the construction site, I caught up to a freight train heading west and carrying six commercial jet bodies. Since my highway speed limit is higher than the train's speed limit, I passed it eventually. Back in Livingston, which is home to an active train yard, I found that same train idling in the yard. I wonder where the wings are. So, trains moving on to Billings or Bozeman (Montana) will stop here in Livingston to pick up extra engines (let's call them "booster packs") to he...