
Showing posts from December 12, 2010

A good day for an update

It has been an overcast day with mostly rain.  In the last couple of hours the wind has stirred up and it is now rainy and windy.  It's the perfect weather for website updates, movies, and a fire in the fireplace.  Enjoy the pictures of our latest activities on the Mellmann website ...or else! (picture taken by cheeky little six year old girl named Katherine)

Advent - Day 12

We had a slow start this morning.  A slow start led to a generally slow day such that it was lunch time by the time we did the Advent Calendar.  It's been a mostly relaxing day with website updates, helping Patrick set up his "critter cam" and recapturing the airplane that got stuck up in a tree a few days ago.  It is rainy and a bit on the warm side, but the kids did get outside and built a small snowman.  Sadly, he won't last long in this rain.