Railroad Adventure
It's not often that two interests come together in one activity. Rarer still is when three interests come together, but when they do, you can be sure it will be a good time. Recently, a friend posted a link on Facebook about to a new "adventure activity" in the Adirondacks. It combined several things that this family enjoys. With the possible exception of Katherine, who prefers to hide away in her room reading, we like to be outside. We also enjoy bike rides (again, Katherine is the exception) and railroads...and history. We even made a motorcycle ride part of the day's journey. So the Rail Explorers adventure is a railroad mounted bike. You can rent a two-seat bike or a four-seat bike, depending on your needs. We took a four-seater, of course. The "sled" has four recumbent style bike seats with pedals (and one of the seats has a hand brake), a floor for easy boarding, and a basket with several bottles of water. The six mi...