Happy Thanksgiving

Twenty-two years ago we became first-time landlords when I moved from Illinois and turned my home into a rental property. Three years later we bought our second rental property and realized that we were probably going to be doing this awhile so we created a business; Covered Bridge Apartments. We needed a logo, but neither of us could draw. We could set up record keeping and learn accounting. We could establish workflow and create a corporate identity, but design a logo? Time for some professional help. Joerg asked his dad, a cartography professor by trade, if he could draw a pencil sketch of a covered bridge. We used the Pulp Mill Bridge as a model. As you drive to the community where our first Vermont rentals are located, you turn off just before crossing the Pulp Mill Bridge. We see it every time we visit one of our units there. Here is a picture of the bridge today. It was rebuilt in 2012, long after we used it as a model for our logo....