Still Staining
I was back in Absarokee to do some more staining. My dad came along to make sure I kept working. :) It was reasonably warm at 50+ degrees (especially for a March day in Montana) but the wind was high so it still felt chilly. Even so, we were able to get more staining done though I will have to go back to finish this batch of lumber. The electrician has been back to connect the house to electricity (no more temporary service stanchion) and there are light bulbs plugged in where the smoke detectors will go. It doesn't provide a lot of light but if the guys are still cleaning up when it gets dark, they can turn the breaker on for "smoke detectors" and there will be lights. The sheetrock is now completely done and the taping is well under way. I don't know who did the work (construction crew?, plumber?, excavator?) but where our garage and gutter drains sunlight, they have attached the vent cap at the end of the PVC pipe and put some stones around it to protect it from...