Ho Hum
Well, that didn't take long. We are one week in on what appears to be several weeks of "lockdown", or as the Governor of Vermont calls it, "Stay Home/Stay Safe" and already real boredom seems to be setting in...for some of us. Katherine came to me late yesterday expressing her irritation with having "nothing to do". It seems that she has read all her books, all the books from the library, AND all the books on Kindle Unlimited, which of course I find highly suspect. She asked (over and over and over) what she could do so each time I would offer some helpful ideas; go for a walk, help me clean up the gardens, empty the dishwasher, go to the taekwondo gym in the basement and do some kicking, write a letter, write a story...I went on and on but she didn't like ANY of my ideas. What she really wanted was more screen time. Patrick has completed the school work that he could do without being in class (two projects that will be due later in the sem...