
Showing posts from July 19, 2019

Road Trip - Day 26

Rumor has it that we're in for a big storm tonight, but we found a campground (in Gladstone MI) on the lake (so the temperature is bearable) and we have battened down the hatches.  Our "glamping" neighbors in their huge RVs are hiding inside with their air conditioners blasting and TVs glowing. I think we have reached the road weary stage in our month-long journey; no fire in the fire pit, no marshmallows to roast, and no conversation around the fire.  Tonight it's fruit and vegetables leftover from lunch, a few chips, and a cookie or two.  We're looking at two more days on the road before sleeping in our own beds again. There is an anticipation; looking forward to home, seeing friends, back to conveniences...   But I'll miss the slower pace, the new scenery, the time with family (and our good friend who might as well be family), the motorcycle adventures (until the next one), and the mental time to think deeply, converse completely, and imagine creatively.   ...