
Showing posts from August 4, 2008

Bubbles, Trains, and Dress-up

The last few days have been filled with fun and activities perfectly suited to kids. While the guys were gone to Tae Kwon Do camp Katherine did some dress-up. When they returned, we got the trains out and played bubbles. It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over. I hear some of my friends make comments about how glad they are that school is about to start. I, on the other hand, may dread school starting more than Patrick does...and he's not looking forward to it at all. We're really enjoying our summer. We have had play dates with friends, camping trips, train days, bubble days, dress-up days. We have even had movie days when rain drove us indoors. We have made craft projects, painted stuff, worked on play-do creations, cooked, baked, and colored. We have slept in, stayed up late, watched Mythbusters faithfully, and never missed a night of Popsicles. It's been a great summer...and it's not over just yet. Check out our latest pictures at www.mell...