
Showing posts from June 13, 2024


While Patrick is flying high (roughly 35,000 feet), Katherine is also making some progress. She has had two job interviews and one job offer but is most excited about the most recent interview at a local grocery store that would offer some opportunities for variety and movement (multiple locations).  She should hear in the next day or two if she got the job she is really hoping for. In the meantime, she is on the kitchen cleanup rotation after our main meal.  With no dishwasher in the kitchen, we each get a turn...or two.  

First Officer

With his formal training complete, Patrick is officially a First Officer for Sky West Airlines which is a regional carrier that flies under the banner of most (or many) of the legacy airlines.  His first tour of duty (they have a different term for this but I can't remember what it is...let's just call it a senior moment) is with a Training Captain (a captain with specific training and a lot of experience in this particular plane) on a sequence of flights that bounce him all over the west (California, Nevada, Arizona, name a few). He flies one or two legs each day with a hotel stay in whatever town their day ends and will end up back at his base (in Los Angeles California) after about four days.  Then he can catch a jump seat back home to Phoenix for a few days before doing his second "tour of duty" with the Training Captain. Once these two tours with the Training Captain are complete, he will be released to general scheduling and will just be a regular...