What A Week!!!
What a week we have had! About two weeks ago Joerg and I decided that we would take the last few days before school started and make it a fun-fest. I call it the Blitz of Fun. Joerg took three days off work so that we could have five days to play. We started last Friday with a trip to Great Escape in New York. We left pretty quickly in the morning and didn't get home until nearly 23.00. Everyone was exhausted, but we had a great day. That was Day #1. On Saturday we went to Granby Zoo in Granby Quebec Canada. We started a little later and returned home a little earlier, but the drive is also a little shorter. We still had a great day. Patrick's highlight was the Lorikeet House. That was Day #2. On Sunday we went canoeing on the Green River Reservoir. We did a little canoeing and a little fishing. It was a quieter day, but still fun for everyone, which was really the goal. That was Day #3. On Monday afternoon we joined some friends at the County Fair. We spent the...