
Showing posts from June 3, 2022

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school for the year.  Today was my last day of school as the School Admin.  Today was Katherine's last day of school as a high school student, which makes it my last day of school as a school parent.  That's a lot of "lasts". We wrapped up this day of "lasts" with a Junior/Senior Banquet.  This banquet is a school tradition at Trinity.  A semi-formal event, it is an evening of catered dinner, celebrating the seniors, and some silliness.  There are games, awards, laughter, and speeches by the graduates; part testimony, part reminiscence as they recount their years in school, reflect on who and what they are thankful for, lessons learned, and lives impacted.  For Katherine, it's been 10 years at Trinity; 2nd through 12th grade with a skipped one along the way. I have been to a half-dozen of these events.  They can be funny.  Emotional.  Entertaining.  And this night was all of those. The games; part cringe-y,...