
Showing posts from February 7, 2020

A New Space

Almost thirteen years ago we moved into our newly built house and began settling into all the grand new spaces.  We filled the kitchen with new dishes, pots and pans, and all the tools needed to feed and entertain family and friends.  We brought in new furniture and several pieces of the old, and organized things based on how we expected to use the space. One room has taken different forms over these twelve years.  First, it was a playroom lined with shelves filled with books, tubs of toys, and lots of Playmobil.  Eventually, the books took over and the Playmobil was put into longterm storage for...the next generation.  Books lined the shelves for a long time but, eventually, they started to give way to music and instruments. Alas, now even the music is ready to be replaced.  Patrick's musical days have transitioned from drumming and guitars and contrabass mostly guitar (with a little drumming on occasion).  And the shelves full of old she...