
Showing posts from February 7, 2009

Shock of Shocks...

I have posted more pictures...ALREADY! I know. I know. You're thinking, "But it hasn't even been two weeks yet!" Crazy, isn't it? Now don't go getting all used to this kind of quick update. I wouldn't want you to get...y'know...spoiled or something. Hey, I even put in some video. So this should hold you until my next update in...say...August. :) Enjoy. " AHHHHHH! Can you believe it? Mama did a web update again?!"

Woody the Woodpecker

Although our windows are closed up tight and we cannot hear the hammering, I did manage to spot two giant Pileated Woodpeckers in the trees of our back yard. By the time I got the camera out and had the zoom lens attached the second one had disappeared, but I did manage to capture a few pictures of the remaining bird trying to drum up some grub in this tree.