
Showing posts from May 1, 2020

Time Flies

Our days continue to go by "normally".  Patrick and Katherine continue their journey through distance learning as they wind down the school year.  Joerg continues to do his job from the comfort of our home office.  Laundry gets done.  The house gets cleaned (despite the ongoing challenges to find basic household cleaners).  And I venture to two different grocery stores to get the ingredients for meals (that's one more than normal because the supply chain is most definitely interrupted). A local store that provides farm supplies and livestock feeds, as well as more domestic animal products like dog food and birdseed, was declared "essential" (and therefore remains open) in this quarantine environment so I was able to restock my birdfeed supplies.  I have enjoyed filling the feeders each season, but seldom have the time to just sit and watch the birds (and squirrels) come to dine.  With a little more down-time on my schedule these days, I have found th...