Lumber Rolls In

When I arrived on the construction site today the place was buzzing.  The builder was removing a load of lumber from the delivery truck, the excavators were moving rock and dirt for the next phase of the project, and gravel was delivered (used for the garage floor and patios before the cement gets poured).

I had some questions that needed to be answered so we took care of that while the construction crew distributed lumber around the foundation for the "sill plate".  We learned about the "sill" back in 2007 when we built the house in Vermont.  On the day the modules of the house were to arrive and be put in place, we learned that the foundation wasn't ready - it needed a sill plate.  Our contractor wasn't scheduled to arrive until the next day so I had to find a local crew that could help us.  These two guys showed up with the supplies and taught us what to do and we all went to work; Joerg, Patrick, and I (Katherine was there, but too young to help).  Fortunately, this time around, the builder is here and we don't have to worry about it.

Floor joists and flooring lumber is ready to go.

This evening after dinner, we were treated to some unique colors over the mountains.  Weather was rolling in (just a little rain) and with it came a mix of sun and clouds.  Just as I went out to take a picture and enjoy the view, we received a subtle and short-lived double rainbow.

Joerg and Patrick hammering down the sill plates in 2007.  You can see the crane to the left.  We stayed just a few feet ahead of the modules but we got it done.


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