I drove to Columbus (the town just off the highway on the route to Absarokee) to return some counter top samples and then planned to go on to Billings to run some errands, but I couldn't resist a quick detour out to our property. It's a 30 minute drive from Columbus to our house so it was entirely possible that I would lose an hour of my afternoon for nothing more than a view of a quiet construction site. However, when I arrived, there was activity happening.
The electric company was on site bringing electrical power from the transformer to our property. This will make the builder very happy. It seems that generators are better than nothing when you need power, but for some reason they are hard on power tools.
And the excavator was busy moving dirt. With the foundation walls complete and cured, he can back-fill around the foundation and prepare the garage area for the floor cement to be poured.
Meanwhile, wildfires west of us have reduced our mountain view to a mountain silhouette.