My Comfy Spot

The apartment we are renting during the construction of our home sits atop a hill in Livingston Montana.  From the top of this hill we look out over the town, the railroad yard, and across to the Absaroka Mountains with Livingston Peak as the centerpiece.

I have set up a little area on the patio where we can enjoy the morning and wind up the day in the evening.  It's nothing fancy but I have added some flowers and a rocky chair.

From this spot, we can watch the weather roll in, spot rainbows, and listen to the trains roll through as they pick up extra engines to help them over the pass to Bozeman or drop those extra engines as they continue east toward Billings.

I made a small desk for myself so I can sit outside to work.  If I need a big monitor for my computer, I still work inside at my desk, but this small work area is great for doing web research, emailing, and writing letters...with a breeze and a view. :)


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