Movers - Day 1
The movers arrived this morning to start loading our possessions into a truck. Since River Cove Road has weight restrictions and there's no way to back an 18-wheel semi into our driveway, they came in a large U-Haul truck. They take everything to the local warehouse where they will collect all our things (two truck loads worth from the house and two storage units) and repack it onto a cross-country hauler (an 18-wheeler most likely).
They disassembled everything that had screws holding it together (table legs removed, for example) and wrapped everything in either heavy-duty shrink wrap or moving blankets, and sometimes both. They even removed the front tires from our bikes. By the time they left this afternoon, they had removed almost everything; nearly all the boxes that I had packed, nearly all the furniture, almost everything from the garage, and everything from the basement. They even hauled away much of our patio furniture.
Early tomorrow morning, I will meet them at the storage units to empty those. Then they will return to the house to collect the last items (they saved the piano for last!) including three more boxes that I packed tonight. Once they have taken the last of our things, Katherine and I will put in some cleaning time to make sure the house is ready for a walk-through before the closing. Before we leave the house for the day, our realtor - who is also a long-time friend - will help me move some things to the dump and I will load our garbage cans one last time.
Once the movers are finished here, the pressure is off and Katherine and I can just putter our way through the cleaning, loading my car, and saying final farewells to friends. We're supposed to get some weather tomorrow ("winter weather advisory") so it could get interesting.
I hope everyone is staying warm. *wink wink to my Montana family enduring -20℉ temperatures with no heat. Today, with our doors wide open for the movers to come and go freely, I had to turn the heat off. So, Katherine and I were cold in solidarity with our shivering family.
However, I did turn the heat back on when the movers were done. Solidarity over. :)