Echo. Echo.
We have spent the last three or four days, since Patrick returned to Arizona, pitching, packing, and preparing. With Joerg's departure set for early tomorrow morning, we wanted to get as many projects completed where brute force and strong muscles were necessary.
I've been packing away and inventorying the things that will go into long term storage. Joerg has hauled away the last pieces of furniture that won't the make the move, the area rugs (also not moving with us), and random other junk. What is left will either go with us as we journey westward or into long term storage (after the movers pack it in their truck and haul it across the country).
With all the decorations gone, several pieces of comfortable furniture gone, and many of our creature comforts packed into boxes, this place starts to look more like a piece of real estate and less like the house we have called "home" for sixteen years on land we have called ours for almost twenty-four.
Joerg is ahead of me in experiencing the sadness that comes from leaving behind the countless memories of playing in the snow and the leaves, watching the deer and the other wildlife roaming this area, and taking in the varied sights, sounds, and smells that come from living on a country property with two rivers, a pond, pine forest, and open fields. He has been going out to breakfast almost every day this week saying his farewells to good friends. All these good byes - to the home, to the property, and especially the friends - put a temporary damper on the excitement of what comes next. But what comes next will be our next great adventure!