Christmas Day
Christmas Day is usually quiet in the Mellmann household. But there's nothing better for a food hangover (too much Christmas Eve fondue) than a walk. One year it was so warm that we went for a motorcycle ride...but those are packed and ready to be hauled across the country, so a walk will have to suffice.
Katherine decided not to join us so Joerg, Patrick, and I went to the waterfront for one last stroll on the boardwalk and on up the coast along the recreation path. We stopped for a gander at what we decided was an unsightly waste of waterfront real estate. It's called the Moran Frame and it took city officials "more than 30 years of ideas and efforts to re-imagine the long-abandoned former coal plant", according to the city's website. In thirty years, this is all they could come up with.
After our walk, we enjoyed a quiet afternoon of chatting, napping, and "vacation mode" chilling. Then it was time for raclette preparations. Normally, raclette is our New Year's Eve dinner event, but Patrick leaves early tomorrow and Joerg will be gone before New Year's Eve so Christmas Day is our day to enjoy this meal together.
As our Christmas celebrations conclude, and before we set our sights firmly on our westward journeys, I wanted to take this moment to wish all my family and friends, near and far, and peaceful close to 2023 and a blessed and joy-filled 2024.