Let Christmas Begin

Tis the season for all manor of Christmas activity.

On December 1st we began our annual tradition of opening Advent calendars.  For nearly twenty years I have filled custom-made calendars with unique-to-each-kid presents and treats.  Now that those "kids"aren't kids anymore, the tradition has taken a shift to the more store-bought variety.

Katherine's calendar is filled with her favorite holiday treat, peppermint bark.

Patrick's (last ever) Advent calendar is filled with baking-themed items from cookie cutters to icing tubes.  It's the perfect start to his First-Apartment-Supplies.
I've attended three Christmas parties including Adventsingen with the "internationals" and this Trinity teacher/staff Christmas party complete with the perennial favorite Yankee Swap.

Christmas programs are being prepared at both church and school.  I will be directing the youth choir (Kindergarten through 6th grade) when they sing on Christmas Eve and the students at Trinity are putting the finishing touches on their "Unbelievable Super Fantastic Truly Amazing Christmas Extravaganza" presentation.  It's a relaxing thing this year; I am only responsible for my two hand chime choirs (one choir of 7th and 8th graders and one with 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders) rather than all the kids doing all the things.

That brings us to today.  School was canceled due to weather, the school Christmas program (scheduled for this night) was postponed to Monday, and I found myself with a clean calendar.  What to do.  What to do.  So, I did some work in the office and then Patrick and I went on the hunt for a Christmas tree leaving behind twenty-two years of family tradition; cutting down the Christmas tree as a family event.  Joerg had to work and Katherine generally comes against her will with complaining so we left her behind.

It took us a few tries before we found a cut-your-own tree farm still open for the season.  It turned out to be one that we went to a few years ago.  Their trees are more expensive, but when you're the only open shop in the region, you can set your price.  Fortunately, they have very nice looking trees and the guy there was super friendly.

For "snow day", we didn't get a lot of snow, but it is that damp heavy snow that sticks to everything so th scenery was actually quite lovely.  Not a bad way to spend a "day off".


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