Happy Spring!

We are six days (according to the Farmer's Almanac) into Spring!  And, while I am guardedly optimistic that we have seen the last of any real snow and miserably cold temperatures, my yard and garden still show little sign of that tell-tale bright green of young growth or the red bumps on the trees that foretell of coming leaves.  Mud? Yes.  Naked branches?  Definitely.  Shades of grey and brown?  Everywhere.

My naked Harry Lauder Walking Stick (also known, I recently learned, as contorted filbert or corkscrew hazel) is patiently waiting, like all the deciduous trees in our yard, for warm sunny days when it can explode with green leaves.  Well, maybe explode is a little too forceful.  Harry is not a speedy guy; he seems to prefer budding out slowly...but what a show those leaves are when they finally appear!

In the meantime, I will enjoy these tulips that someone else grew.


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