Out with the old, in with the new

It's January 1, 2020.  A new year.  It's a time for reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new one.  Some people make a new year's resolution, but I gave those up years ago.  I find that the New Year's Resolution is pretty much doomed to failure.  There's so much pressure on that one single day of the year; a day when many people are hungover or at least tired from an evening of merrymaking and celebrating - maybe not the best time to planning one's future.

New Year's Day is a good day to...take down some Christmas decorations or bake some cookies.  It's a good day to read a book, take a nap, maybe go for a walk.  For Patrick, it's a day to work another shift.  For Katherine, it apparently means reading and sleeping in her room all day (while she avoids taking her Mandarin midterm exam).  Joerg made deviled eggs just for fun (because we all like them and the plate full that he took to the party last night...came back EMPTY!

I have kept myself busy with a mix of things: finish the laundry, handle some rental business, respond to a couple of emailssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [snort!]  Sorry, I fell asleep on the keyboard.  What was I saying?  Oh, ya.  I emptied the dishwasher and then made the dough for tonight's dinner of homemade pasta with a mushroom cream sauce.  Ummm, I think you might be drooling a little.

The other thing I did today was clean out my Summer Fun folder.  This is the folder I create each winter as we prepare for whatever the next summer will bring.  When the kids were little it was trips to water parks, camping through the Vermont State Parks or going to bug camp.  Now it's epic road trips, motorcycle adventures, and visits with family or friends.  So, OUT with the old (maps of Montana and the northern US, tickets to the Livingston Roundup (which I forgot to take with us and had to scramble to replace) and the detailed itinerary of where we would go, how we would get there, when we would arrive, and where we would stay for the night).  And IN with the new (maps of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Labrador...ferries, hotels, packing lists, and an itinerary).  This summer is sure to look different than any other summer, and isn't that part of the fun?!

Now THAT is what January 1 is good for - looking forward to what awaits us as the year begins to unfold.  What fun will the year bring?  What challenges?  What adventure?  How many miles will we put on the bikes?  And what memories will we make?
What adventures are you planning for this year?  What memories do you hope to make?  I hope they bring joy (at least) TWICE - once in the making and once in the remembering.  May it be a year filled with joy, blessing, and adventure!

By the way, Happy New Year!


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