Green Up Vermont Day
Another Green Up Vermont Day is nearly in the books.
Joerg and I have been participating in this annual clean up day since we first moved here thirteen years ago. Our first year, five month old Patrick was in a baby backpack. Our second year, he walked the roads with us. We've missed one or two years due to travel, but if we're home, we're doing Green Up Vermont Day.
Today, Katherine (despite her whining about not wanting to help) was actually a HUGE help. She even kept going with Joerg to do part of River Cove Road that we weren't officially signed up for. Yeah Katherine! (and Papa, of course).
Joerg and I have been participating in this annual clean up day since we first moved here thirteen years ago. Our first year, five month old Patrick was in a baby backpack. Our second year, he walked the roads with us. We've missed one or two years due to travel, but if we're home, we're doing Green Up Vermont Day.
Today, Katherine (despite her whining about not wanting to help) was actually a HUGE help. She even kept going with Joerg to do part of River Cove Road that we weren't officially signed up for. Yeah Katherine! (and Papa, of course).