Spring Break Boredom Buster #1

Ever since Patrick was in First Grade, I determined to plan some activities for those vacations (other than summer) when he was out of school for more than a day or two.  Now that both kids are in school, I continue this "tradition".

For Christmas break it was gingerbread construction, Christmas cookie making and decorating, and stuff like that.  For our Winter Break in February, we went on a dive vacation.  You get the idea.

So now it's Spring Break.  Monday's Boredom Buster was to stem-dye some white roses.  My inspiration came from something I found on Pinterest.  I'm not sure that ours will come out quite as vibrant as theirs, but it's still fun to watch how each one pulls in the different colors.  So far I don't see any three color roses (despite having a couple of them in there), but I am pleasantly surprised by the vibrancy of the colors - at first it wasn't looking like they would get very intense.

I'll try to post a picture at the end of the week so you can see how they turned out.


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