Drum Lessons
Katherine has been taking drum lessons for awhile now, but she hasn't been practicing at home. At first, her teacher told her her to just practice on her knees, but then it was time to actually practice on drums, but we didn't have any. We fixed that this Christmas with a nice set of drums for her. See? Check out this great music room. We got a new keyboard...complete with stand AND seat (no more playing on your knees...some of us can't do that anymore), drums, amp, lots of guitars, mandolins, ukuleles, recorders, nice music stand, there's a double bass around the corner, trumpets, autoharp...theres probably more, but I can't think of everything. It's all in there. Oh, and I organized all my music. All that work...and she still won't play at home. So, at her lesson this week, I went into the shop to take care of some business, and while I was there I got to hear her play. I decided to capture some video, but I got greedy and rounded the corner to see...