Day #7 (catching up...again)

On Friday morning we drove the Cabot Trail route on Cape Breton Island, still in Nova Scotia. We enjoyed some beautiful scenery on this ride. The Trail was only supposed to take us a couple of hours (according to a local), but it was more like SIX. At the northern most point of our road trip (so far); Dingwall Nova Scotia. We had to do a family picture here. We arrived back in Sydney just in time time to board a ferry to go to Argentia Newfoundland. It was a sixteen hour ferry, so we slept during the night as best we could. There were no cabins available so we had to bunk out in the main area with all the other...riff raff. :) We survived the night. Now it's time to gather our stuff and get back on the bikes. Once we got off the ferry in Argentia Newfoundland, we started the ride toward Deer Lake; our goal for the night. It was a long day, and when we arrived there they had no room for us at the we had to go back about 30 minutes ...