Teenage Humor
I used to ponder the divine humor in my first child being a boy. I'm a girl; what do I know about raising a boy? Like a cat bringing a dead rodent home for show-and-tell, Patrick would bring me bugs, worms, snakes, and all manner of creepy, crawly, and slimy. Then came puberty...and driving...and dating... And through it all is woven a fantastic sense of humor and a grand fascination with all sorts of oddity. Such as, "Why do you get dizzy when you stand up too fast?" "Why are there no 'B' batteries?" "Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?" "If you are bald, what hair color do they put on your driver's license?" Or, today's treasure, "Why does this magnet stick to my arm?". (answer: there's a BB in his arm) My favorite part of the video (aside from "cool" factor) is the goofy grin on his face at the end.