
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Wet Start to Day 4 - pressure washing is well under way


End of Day 3

The walk is completely down and the surrounding gardens are ready for compost/soil (almost...I had to give up on account of the ravenous mosquitoes). Tomorrow the edging will go in, hopefully the sand filler will go down (everything has to be completely dry for this step and there's rain in the forecast), and the compost/soil will get dumped.  That will conclude the work that our landscaper has to do.  The planting and dirt spreading is on me; me and my plant wish-list are ready. Also on the schedule for tomorrow, assuming we don't have any lightning, is the pressure washing of the house to get rid of algae and mildew (all that ugly stuff under the windows).  The house faces north, and we are surrounded by trees so moss and other damp low-light dwellers do well here.  The lift arrived today and Joerg has already gone up to do some tree pruning along the east side of the property.  There's more to do, but he got a good start on it this evening. Things are rea...

End of Day 2

Dinner is over and the landscaper is gone, but I'm starting to see what this is going to look like.  And I like it!

Progress (Day 2)

The front steps are in and the paver stones are going down. This is what it looked like at lunch time today.

Work Starts Today (Day 1)

It has taken seven years to get to this point; not for any good reason, it just has. Plans change, money finds other priorities, it's just the way it is.  But we're here now and it's real.  I know it's real because 1) my front step is gone and something has to replace it, 2) there's a big truck out in front of my house with the materials for our new walk, and 3) I just cut the deposit check - it's always real when there's money involved. :)

A Pause to Play

This morning, we loaded up the motorcycles and took our first longer ride of the season. It is the first time that schedule, weather, and energy all lined up to get us on the road together. We stopped for lunch at The Bridge Restaurant, and then Jörg and Patrick had to race back to Chittenden County for a birthday party that Patrick was headed to. Katherine and I lingered behind to have a little ice cream and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery before continuing our journey home.