
Showing posts from November, 2012

More work is needed...

I realized, early this morning, that some valuable navigation is missing from our newly-updated website.  I'll work on that this week. In the meantime, the only way to move from one photo story to the next is by going "home" and choosing a different picture, or by going to "archive" and choosing from the link list.  I'll add some navigation from each page so that you don't have to do that. I guess that's what happens when you try rush.

We've got new skin!

Well, at least I *think* that's how the lingo goes.  Our website has seen a facelift AND an update.  I know!  Can you believe it?  What a banner day. I hope you enjoy the new look, and find the new navigation easier.  I would look forward to your feedback as long as you have nice things to say about me. No, seriously, I appreciate any feedback.  I want the website to be fun for everyone and easy to use.  If it isn't, you should tell me so that I can (hopefully) fix it. Okay.  That's all the news I have.  Have a great week.  (And click HERE to check out the new website.)

A beautiful fall day

Today was a beautiful day. After a crazy busy weekend of school programs, play dates, and sleepovers, we couldn't resist an opportunity to get outside. We decided on a waterfront walk. I snapped this picture of Patrick at the park near the water treatment facility along the waterfront.