Labor Day Weekend - heavy on the labor

Between the rain (almost every other day all summer) and the heat (which comes with humidity), this has not been a good year to be an exterior painter.  Though I am not an exterior painter, I do have exterior painting jobs to do.  The biggest one, a project begun two years ago, is finally getting the attention it needed.

After a brief stretch of nice weather, we finally have a weekend that might be just right for a painting a fence which surrounds surrounds the field across from our house (which we own).  Piece by piece we replaced rotted boards and scraped old paint off.  Laziness, distraction (a college graduation, for example), a summer road trip, and rain, have kept us from this last step.  Today was the big day.

Ten gallons of paint and about 15 man-hours later and we see some progress.  We didn't quite make it to the quarter way around, but we can definitely see progress.  Here is a picture of the fence before and after (or after and before since I was painting from left to right here).  We are hopeful that by the end of Labor Day Weekend we will make it all the way around the field...assuming our not-twenty-years-old-anymore bodies can keep up.


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