
Showing posts from July 12, 2013

Felling a Tree

Unfortunately, it's time for this beautiful tree to come down. I've been calling it the Leaning Tower of Conifer because, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, its lean has been increasing gradually for a several years. By now, the lean is so deep that we're concerned that it will come down in an unplanned way and take out a car, part of the house, or a kid playing in the yard. This is the lean BEFORE the tree guy got started.
It was a great tree, and its lowest branch held the rope swing for the kids. We're really sorry to see it go. I guess we'll have to find a new branch to hang that swing on.
It took less than a minute to drop this big old tree.

"Baum Boom"

Once all the preliminary cuts were made, it took only a few seconds for the tree to fall. We love our trees, but we'd rather have them fall "on purpose" than in a high wind or storm.