
Showing posts from July 26, 2024

A Workin' Girl

Katherine has put in her first full week of work, and it will come as a surprise to those who know her that she is actually enjoying the job.  She reported that it's "fun", yet she admits that standing in one place all day long is hard on the legs and feet (no surprise to anyone) but hasn't complained at all.  She even pointed out that she hasn't complained because she realizes her lack of physical conditioning is a problem of her own making. I managed to convince her to put her hair in a ponytail so now she's (finally) learning to manage (beyond just brushing) her own hair.  I think her new look makes her more...approachable.  I like being able to see her face. 😃 As we sat in the local Thai restaurant, waiting for our take-out meal to be ready, we talked and talked and talked.  This whole working thing seems to be helping to bring her out of her shell and it also gives her some new material about which we can talk.