
Showing posts from May 14, 2019

Senior Missions Trip - Day 2

More than 24 hours in travel from the school in Vermont to the island of Dominica, and they made it. I don't have a daily schedule of what they will be doing, but I'm guessing that they will have a little time off tomorrow, some get-to-know-you time with their hosts and the local church, and a lay of the land.  Whatever they do, I'm sure it will be a fun experience.

Fort Ticonderoga

It must be the end of the school year.  The elementary students are WIRED.  The juniors and seniors are gone on their missions trip.  And the rest of the high school is off doing field trips.  That means that Katherine has been out Monday and Tuesday of this week visiting the Maritime Museum (Monday) and Fort Ticonderoga (Tuesday).  There was more planned for the Tuesday trip, but the wind and rain closed the ferries so they had to change their tour schedule to accommodate the extra drive time. Somewhere in this clump of 7th through 10th graders is Katherine.  Let's play a round of Where's Waldo. :)