
Showing posts from December, 2021

Peace on...River Cove Road

 I may not be able to do much about world peace, but it was very peaceful on River Cove Road. Christmas Day is weird.  In our house, it's quiet; video games to play, little projects or tasks to attended to, movies to watch, books to read, Christmas cookies to eat.  When I step outside the door, there is a peacefulness around me; a palpable calm.  No traffic noise.  No industrial sounds as businesses go about their work.  Nothing.  No buzz.  No hum.  Just the sound of the snow falling.  It's a peacefulness I have only experienced during COVID lock-down when all businesses were shuttered and people were ordered to stay home and once every year...on Christmas Day.  It's weird, but I like it. As we enjoy this peaceful day, I am putting in some good time on my knitting project.  I hope to have this afghan finished before I return to school next week.  We'll see how it goes.  In the meantime, I hope you find peace in your life as well, even if you're surrounded by noise a

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve on River Cove Road is full of tradition; the annual family picture in front of the tree, reading the account of Christ's birth from Luke, singing German and American Christmas songs, presents, and of course fondue.  This year, like a few years gone by, included a short pause in the events while I directed the children's choir in the Christmas Eve service, the same choir Patrick sang in when he was young-er. So, from the Mellmann Family on River Cove Road to all of you, Merry Christmas.    

Let's Get This Christmas Started!

After several weeks of long hours, lots of activities, and long to-do lists, we are all ready for a nice quiet Christmas holiday.  To get things rolling we have made our annual Christmas cookies (true confessions; this is our second batch). It has been a busy time for us.  Christmas program at school for Katherine (and me), finals for Patrick and plans for a "J term" to get his CFII (Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument) rating, big projects for Joerg, and a variety of obligations for me. One of the projects that will take up some of our precious vacation time is the turnover and full renovation of one of our rentals.  New kitchen, all new flooring, fresh paint...the works.  Fortunately, most of our labor comes at the beginning (Patrick and I delivered most of the kitchen cabinets to the unit yesterday) and then we turn it all over to our local contractor who has already pulled out the old kitchen and flooring.  Never a dull moment. :) Tonight, Patrick is out with friends c