Road Trip - Day 23

After hours of watching the terrain turn from mountains and peaks to rolling hills of green our attention turned from watching the changing terrain to the dramatic weather we were headed into.  The winds were crazy and at times threatened to wipe us off the road.  Then the rain started.  It came down so hard it was difficult to see and the road was building up huge puddles of water that would create sudden and dramatic drag on our tires; unnerving to be sure.

We gave up the idea of camping and pressed on until the wind and rain was just too intense.  Tonight we take a motel.  We found a little motel in Moorcroft Wyoming and within minutes of getting our room key we were accompanied by a few cars and about a dozen motorcycles trying to escape the elements just like us.

When I checked in, the clerk showed me a video he took less than an hour before and about a mile down the road in the direction we came from.  It was a lovely video of a tornado that touched down near his house.  ðŸ˜¬ðŸ˜³ðŸ˜±

The blue dot is us.  The red blob is the weather we just escaped from.  Hopefully tomorrow it will be sunny and beautiful.


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