
Showing posts from April, 2017

Dinner Help

As a family, we often do work together. However, it is usually each person off doing a particular task in a different area of the house. It isn't often that I get to see everybody working together in one place where I can take a picture. So, here they are; everyone pitching in to help get dinner ready; shrimp and vegetable skewers for the grill.

An Original Work

A few years ago I purchased a piece of software that would allow me to write and print music that I could use for the elementary music classes and beginner hand chimes at school.  About a year ago, Patrick started to tinker with that software and began creating original works.  As he experimented with sound, volume, rhythm, and technique, his music has become more and more organized, and a bit more polished. Tonight, we had the privilege of hearing one of his pieces performed by the high school orchestra (they call themselves a string ensemble) in a neighboring town (Mount Mansfield Union High School). Here it is, an original work by Patrick Mellmann.  "Trout" Here is what they wrote in the program: "The composer realizes that the name "Trout" is rather strange. He did not want the name to give any preconceived notions as to the theme of the song. He says, "I wanted the music to "speak" for itself. When I name my music I take the first ob


Spring weather has finally arrived. That means practice can be outside now!

Spring is here! (Hopefully to stay.)

The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and I can hear the river running full of melting snow in the background. This is recuperating (and getting a little work done) in style.